Free Travel Planning Guide – Printable Download

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Looking for ideas to jot down on your planning sheet? Check out these awesome Iowa bloggers!

Fellow Bloggers

Megan Bannister of Olio in Iowa loves “the largest” style roadside attractions and has visited six in Iowa. She has dozens of articles about traveling in Iowa, as well as the Midwest. 

Sara Broers of Travel with Sara is a leader in the tourism industry and has a fabulous blog to showcase all of her hard work! Search her website to find lots of great information not only about northern Iowa but the entire Midwest. 

Katy Flint of Flint & Co is all about the weekend getaway! Katy organizes her articles in an easy-to-read fashion and makes planning a snap. 

Erin Huiatt of Des Moines Parent loves traveling with her kiddos and not only shares tons of great adventures in the Central Iowa region but also across the whole state and Midwest.

Pro Tip: Search for bloggers by state on the Midwest Travel Network.

Make sure to add Western Iowa to your list of adventures this year! Our family has a great time last spring. 

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