Iowa Public Television Station – Johnston

entry way to at Iowa Public Television for a field tripPlace/Event: Iowa Public Television Studio Tour Location: 6450 Corporate Drive, Johnston, Iowa 50131 Cost: Free Grade/age range: All ages Group size: max 30 Hands-on: Limited Stroller friendly: no, per IPTV’s request Bathrooms: Yes Food: No I was impressed with our field trip to the Iowa Public Television station! Karen was our tour guide and she was great with the kids. Our group had students who were 2nd grade and younger. The tour was adjusted to their needs.   Kids on Iowa Public Television statge for a field trip The children were given a scavenger hunt and pencil. This helps keep little hands from touching all the equipment. child holding gel light at Iowa Public Television on a field trip The tour lasted around an hour but was fast paced and held the kids interest. I have to confess that I never realized how much work and effort go into producing and airing the shows on IPTV! I learned a lot on this trip too! As an adult, I have a new appreciation for IPTV after our tour. I would highly recommend this program for all age groups! The highlight of the kid’s day was going on to the Kids Clubhouse set. Hosts Dan Wardell and Abby Brown came out to greet the kids and show them around. They spent lots of time with the kids and had a few fun surprises to show them.   IPTV provides educational resources for Iowa teachers. Visit the Iowa Public Television station and get connected in your classroom! lobby of Iowa Public Television on a field trip   Iowa Public Television Johnston

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