Science City at Union Station – Kansas City

The Visit Neighboring States Series

Don’t think, ‘just another science center’! Science City at Union Station in downtown Kansas City is perfect for all ages. Your family or school group could easily spend a full day of learning and play! Plan for a 4-6 hour visit.

Disclaimer: Our visit was hosted, however, all opinions expressed in this article are completely ours and based on our own family’s unique experience.

Science City at Union Station in KC is huge! There is something for every age group! 

Place/Event: Science City at Union Station Location: 30 West Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108 Parking: at Union Station is not difficult or expensive. Just follow the directions from the webpage for the different options. Cost: $11.50-13.50  Science City is a member of the ASTC Reciprocal program and SCI members receive four free tickets. Grade/age range: All ages Group size: unlimited Hands-on: Yes Stroller friendly: Yes. A stroller parking nook is available at the front near the entrance. Two elevators in the main area make it easy to get around. Bathrooms:  Yes Food: Yes (see bottom of post) science-city-at-union-station-hands-on-sign I have said it before, Kansas City offers more attractions and fun for families with children than in any other major city within a three hour drive from central Iowa! We had a list of over a dozen places we wanted to visit during our last trip and Science City at Union Station was NOT top on the list. I really thought it was ‘just another science center’. Boy was I wrong! First off, It’s HUGE! There are over 50 hands-on displays. Science City at Union Station has over 120 hands-on displays. Second, most of the displays are things that my children have never experienced before at other science centers. There was only one display that was not functioning properly. Everything we encountered seem to be in complete working order. science-city-at-union-station-giant-lever Note to moms with younger kids – finding the bathrooms can be tricky. We ran into the issue twice. So plan ahead before you find yourself in need of  an instant potty. There is a mother’s nursing station that is across from Science City in the Sprint Festival Plaza. Two separate areas are designated for children seven years and younger. However, your little ones will enjoy most of the displays. science-city-at-union-station-7-and-under-zones Several displays are specifically tailored to middle and high school students and were beyond the scope of our younger elementary ages. I really wish we could have tried making something out of 4D but we didn’t know that some stations have specific hours. On your visit, check ahead of time to make sure you can do all the different programs and activities. Build a 4D model in Science City at Union Station Luckily, my kids weren’t disappointed, but they were both too short to write the Sky Bike. science-city-at-union-station-sky-bike There are a few classroom spaces for large groups. If you want to go as a co-op or organized school group, check with the education director for all the info! science-city-at-union-station-class-room-space I found the displays to be very educational and the signs were helpful. There were several displays that supported what we have been studying in science this fall including the magnet sand table. science-city-at-union-station-echo-tube-sign Fun surprises are everywhere in Science City including the Nature Center which is home to a talking bird that said “here kitty” and meowed like a cat. Don’t skip this! We were able to squeeze in a Planetarium show which gave us and the kids a much needed rest. The screen size was very large and they offer comfortable seating. The Planetarium is a separate part of Union Station. It is not attached to Science City and therefore has its own ticket pricings. For SCI members, this is a little different then what we are used to. science-city-at-union-station-plantarium Near by the Planetarium was this very fun piano which my daughter enjoyed! science-city-at-union-station-piano Food choices at Union Station are limited, so plan ahead. We took a 15 minute walk through The Link (sky walk) to Crown Center. science-city-at-union-station-the-loop-sky-walk The kids remembered Fritz’s Railroad Restaurant from our last visit to KC and really wanted to return. Fritz’s is fun because a train delivers your food out in a basket. Prices are reasonable. Overall, we had a BLAST! I wished I had planned more time. We didn’t get to enjoy all of the displays and experience everything that Science City had to offer, even though we were there for four hours! Science City is definitely on our return list. Science City at Union Station

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