Wallace State Park off I35 in Missouri

the Visit Neighboring States Series

Narrow footpath along the lake at Wallace State Park is fun and beaitiful! Only minutes off I35 in MO.

Wallace State Park is about an hour south of Lamoni, two miles off exit 48 on I35. It’s easy to miss from the interstate but should definitely be a stop on your way to KC!

Place/Event: Wallace State Park Location: 10621 MO-121, Cameron, MO 64429 Cost: Free Grade/age range: All ages Group size: unlimited Hands-on: Yes Stroller friendly: Only playground/parking lot areas. The trails are not hard surfaced and are uneven narrow terrain. Bring a carrier. Bathrooms:  Yes  WaterYes We stopped for about an hour on a late fall evening as we were traveling down to Kansas City. The park is beautiful,serene and peaceful! Six-acre lake at Wallace State Park is fun and beaitiful! Only minutes off I35 in MO.   This was just what our kids needed to stretch their legs after a couple hours of traveling. We hiked the .60 mile Rocky Ford Trail in about 30 minutes, which included lots of exploring and play.   I would LOVE to come back here in the summer when there is more water flowing in the creek. The water level doesn’t look too deep and would be a great place for kids to wade. Next time we are bringing water shoes! The water goes back  about a foot or so under the rocky ledge. Low water levels allow for exploring the stream on Rocky Ford Trail at Wallace State Park is fun and beaitiful! Only minutes off I35 in MO.   The trail along the creek can be narrow and uneven at times. Several places had large tree roots growing across the trail. The smooth rock creek bed is unique and different from anything I have seen in Iowa. Narrow path along the stream at Wallace State Park is fun and beaitiful! Only minutes off I35 in MO.   The pictures don’t do the landscape justice. I am sure this would be an amazing photograph had we been there two weeks earlier but I find the bare late fall emptiness intriguing. There is something nostalgic about late fall, a feeling of timelessness…and I just love it. Beauitful stream on Rocky Ford Trail at Wallace State Park is fun and beaitiful! Only minutes off I35 in MO.     The park isn’t large, but there are lots of fun surprises! Old Quarry trail was a huge hit and we could hardly keep up with the children as they raced along the edges of Lake Allaman. Old Quarry Trail Boardwalk at Wallace State Park is fun and beaitiful! Only minutes off I35 in MO.     We would highly recommend a stop at Wallace State Park! There is also a nice lodge and a large parking area. It would make a great meeting place for a family reunion.

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