Loess Hills in Western Iowa

Loess Hills in Western Iowa

You MUST go here …let me show you why

Loess Hills Scenic Overlook, Sioux, IA Loess Hills in Western Iowa
This is OUR Iowa!

Our family had the best time hiking and exploring the Loess Hills State Forest! I kept thinking – we can’t still be in Iowa?

Loess Hills Scenic Overlook Trail

We spent about 90 minutes on the Loess Hills Scenic Overlook Trail. The trailhead starts from a wooden ramp leading up to a large platform then it’s just a few steps down to the trail.

This trail was fun but not always cleared of debris. There are a few different trails that lead off of the main trail pictured. We ran out of time to explore them. Our poor dog Toby got so tired that he had to be carried out. After this trip, we learned about the K9 Sport Sack and now we always bring it along. 

Murray Hill Scenic Overlook Trail

We also visited Murray Hill Scenic Overlook. This hike was shorter and somewhat easier but was mostly uphill. There is a dirt parking lot at the trailhead. I packed a frozen ice cream treat that we all enjoyed after our hour-long hike. 

Pro Tip: There are NO bathrooms or water available at the trailheads. Bring your own water or head down to the forest headquarters (See map at end of the article) for restrooms and more. 

Loess Hills in Western Iowa

The views are truly breathtaking! We are looking forward to hiking here again and I would love to come at sunset!

Looking South from Murray Hill Scenic Overlook
Looking South from Murray Hill Scenic Overlook

Class B Roads

found road
Class B Road in Loess Hills

Throughout the Loess Hills are Class B roads. I had to keep reminding my husband that we driving in a mini-van, not a Jeep. We did park along some nicer gravel roads so we could walk down a few of the lesser maintained roads. The kids liked drawing pictures in the soft dirt along slopes.

Loess Hills Forest
Tree roots in the soft clay along a class B road in Loess Hills
Natural Beauty 
Yellow Field in Loess Hill
The Loess Hills
Grove of Trees neat a trailhead in Loess Hills
Lost Baby Bird in Tree Grove


My favorite thing about this area is that it’s close (only a couple of hours drive from central Iowa) and it is accessible. Even if hiking isn’t on your Bucket List, you can still enjoy the views, the drive, and nature!

While you are in the area, stop in Pisgah at the Loess Hills State Forest Visitor Center. This little gem has restrooms, interactive displays, good maps & resources, and helpful, friendly volunteers.

More Fun

Visiting the Loess Hills in Western Iowa was part of our family camping trip to Lewis and Clark State Park. 

Everywhere we went in the Loess Hills was beautiful! We were there before the lavender bloomed at Loess Hill Lavender Farm. We wished we could have seen those beautiful fields of purple. 

Harrison County Historical Village and Welcome Center is a great educational museum for the whole family.


Visit Loess Hills in Iowa with your children. Information to trailheads, roads and more. Stunning Murray Hill Scenic Overlook. Must Have Iowa Bucket List!

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  1. Could I have some brochures on THE LOESS HILLS? I should go touring there, pretty scenery.

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