The City Museum in Saint Louis

The City Museum Saint Louis MO
Words to describe ….*speechless*

the Visit Neighboring States Series

The HIGHLIGHT of our trip to St. Louis was this hidden gem! The City Museum (a private museum, not actually owned or ran by the city of St. Louis.) Don’t think museum as much as indoor/outdoor playground for all ages! Before your visit, read through their suggestions for what to wear and bring – things like closed-toe shoes are a must! Headlight flashlights can be very helpful. Read the tips from the museum on their page. You can get through the building with a stroller but I would also suggest bringing a baby carrier so you can enjoy the whole City Museum more easily. The-City-Museum-St.Louis-MO-explore-outside The-City-Museum-St.Louis-MO-climb-outside
The City Museum Saint Louis MO
OK – SO here’s the deal – for this experience – KNOWING LESS IS MORE!!! – I am going to limit my review by saying – YOU MUST COME HERE!!!! It’s incredible – like nothing we had ever experienced before. I don’t want to give away all the secrets because that is half the fun! How often do you truly get to explore and experience man-made wonder like this? And DO YOURSELF the favor and don’t search Google for a ton of pictures of The City Museum – it would just ruin the excitement! Just GO AND ENJOY!


1 ) The ROOF is worth the extra cost! GO UP THERE!

2) Our kids were almost 5 years old when we visited  for the first time and we had no problems with them. Kids younger then 5 will have a great time! There is a whole special area on the 3rd floor for little ones. We spent around 5-6 hours at the museum. Bring sunscreen if you will be outside a lot (which you will want to be)! 3) We also went when it wasn’t busy and when it was VERY busy – so consider your timing to get the most out of your visit. Call ahead to ask what the expected guests numbers are. 4) The weather is perfect in the spring or fall. Not too hot and not too cold! The City Museum Saint Louis MO The-City-Museum-St.Louis-MO-roof-slide The City Museum Saint Louis MO The City Museum Saint Louis MO 5) One more fun surprise – We took the 10 story slide (Well hubby did, our kids were too short) and we walked/slid down into the MOST AMAZING __________________!!!….I am not going to tell you but bring a flashlight!   The City Museum St. Louis MO  

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    1. THANKS Annie! I was literally bawling in front of the computer for over an hour and than InMotion came to my rescue.

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