Field Trip Sharing Form

THANKS for sharing your field trip experience! We look forward to reviewing your submission.

A few things to consider-

Your submission should be:

  • Family Friendly- no winery/brewery reviews or festivals/attractions geared toward adults only.
  • Not duplicating other posts unless new information is presented. (ex.posts on Rieman Gardens unless featuring a new program etc.)
  • Included the information posted at the beginning of all local posts (cost, age range, stroller friendly, etc. )
  • Your own original work and not published anywhere else online.
  • Once you’ve submitted your post, you can’t post it anywhere else online for three months.


  • Include Pictures (currently have to submit images through email)
  • Pictures should be sharp, clear and helpful to your trip.
  • Have text on at least two imagines. (We can help you with this if needed)
  • Your website/logo is allowed in small print on your picture.
  • People are welcome in pictures but avoid “cheesy family vacation style photos”
  • If you’re including pictures of people, please make sure you have their permission to use them or blur out faces.
  • If you’re borrowing an image we require proper attribution to the creator of the image.


Other Notes

We are pleased to give you credit as the author of your post. Your post will include a short three sentence bio and a link to your blog/website at the bottom of the posts. No financial compensation is offered for guest posting. We reserve the right to refuse affiliate links or spam.  

Field Trip Iowa reserves the right to make edits to any submissions where necessary to ensure the blog stays congruous with our values.  Prior to publication of your guest blog post we will make sure you agree with these changes. If a guest post is inappropriate or needs improvement we’ll let you know and offer suggestions so that we can publish it in the future.

Field Trip Iowa reserves the right to refuse publication, remove blog content and change these guidelines as we see fit.

A submission does not guarantee publishing. Please contact us with any questions or concerns before submitting a post at

We Look Forward to Hearing about your Field Trips!

 *Please note – this form does NOT save your work! Please save your work in another format such as a Word Doc and paste and copy into this form. Images can be shared through email.  

Share Your Field Trip


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