Jefferson National Expansion Memorial – the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis

the Visit Neighboring States Series

The Gateway Arch was a must stop for us when we visited Saint Louis. We were surprised at the Museum of Westward Expansion that is underground below the arch.  This is an extensive museum and our children’s younger age didn’t afford us the time to really explore the depth of the exhibits.
The Gateway Arch visit with children

We enjoyed the long walk across the expansive lawn that leads up to the arch. (Parking is a couple blocks away). So, here’s the tricky part – it’s a long walk to the arch but you can’t take your stroller in the tram or on the top observation deck. So bring an extra carrier to wear baby if you need to be hands free. Also, it’s a small place if you feel claustrophobic!

We spent less then an hour and half for our visit to the arch but you could easily spend much longer. We did the arch and the City Museum in the same day.

Saint Louis Gateway Arch
stairway waiting for the tram to go back down
looking out at the river
Saint Louis Gateway Arch
the kids said it looked like “toy land” from the top

Overall, this is a neat family experience and we all had a good time! I would highly recommend a visit to the Gateway Arch!

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